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Whether you represent a patient group or charity, a biotech company, or are a project principal investigator, we are ready to roll up our sleeves and help you! Let’s sit down and chat about what kind of support you need to take your project through the whole development process!
Your name
Your email address
Organisation name (if applicable)
What is your background? Patient Group/Charity RepresentativePatient/CarerStudentAcademic/ResearcherHealthcare ProviderLife Sciences IndustryConsultantPolicy MakerRegulatorFunderCRO/Service Provider/Research InfrastructureOther
Your project title
What are you trying to do in your project? What health problem are you trying to solve? Please articulate your objectives using no jargon.
If you succeed, how will patients benefit?
How would you like the REMEDi4ALL team to help? (Note that REMEDi4ALL is building a funders network but is not a grants programme itself and cannot provide direct financial support to projects)
How did you hear about the REMEDi4ALL Repurposing Concierge?
By submitting this form, I agree that my personal data may be processed by EATRIS in accordance with the REMEDi4ALL Privacy Policy for the provision of this Repurposing Concierge service and related follow up actions such as the REMEDi4ALL newsletter, invitations to REMEDi4ALL related workshops/events/conferences. Additionally, I agree that my personal data may be shared with REMEDi4ALL partners, with the sole purpose of providing the aforementioned services.
I agree that my personal data may be processed by EATRIS in accordance with the REMEDi4ALL Privacy Policy for the purpose of: EATRIS recording my personal data to be used for future project/collaboration opportunities with EATRIS or members of EATRIS infrastructure. Receiving electronic communications on EATRIS news, events and activities.