Marita Gunn Sandnes

Patient advocate -

Marita Gunn Sandnes is a mother to a son with a rare disorder called GRIN. Over the years, connecting with other families has been incredibly important, not only for emotional support but also for understanding what truly matters when trying to help children with complex, overlapping medical challenges. The journey of navigating a rare disorder can be isolating, especially in smaller countries where expert help is limited, making digital platforms and AI-driven tools increasingly valuable. 

Marita is a member of a local rare disease association in Norway and a board member of GRIN Europe, where she works alongside other families to share knowledge, raise awareness, and advocate for better access to research and treatment. Through her personal experience, she has seen firsthand how AI can help uncover patterns, connect different symptoms, and make sense of conditions that don’t fit into a single diagnosis, offering hope for better care and solutions.