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The repurposing of existing medicines has the potential to greatly improve public health outcomes, especially on neglected and rare diseases. Global collaboration is critical to achieving these objectives. 

That is why the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS), the US National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and the Open Source Pharma Foundation (OSPF) have joined forces to form NewFound – a global open source health research and development initiative focused on repurposing of medicines. 

The coalition will explore opportunities to collaborate and, where feasible, establish partnerships with each other to achieve these shared interests. The alliance means that they can cross-leverage resources from different institutions and countries in open source health research and development. 

The promise of repurposed medicines can only be realised through rigorous multi-disciplinary research and development conducted with the patient need in clear focus. That is how NewFound set up channels of communications for real-time interaction, develop effective tools and resources, train researchers to look in the right places, and counter the next fast-moving threat with an even faster response.  

On the newly launched website, you will see that the NewFound coalition welcomes any research institution, governmental organisation, or pharmaceutical company to join this mission to make therapeutic responses faster, smarter, and safer. 

For more information, visit

About Newfound

NewFound is a global open source health research and development hub focused on repurposing medicines. Repurposing activities can improve public health outcomes, especially on neglected and rare diseases. Global collaboration is critical to achieving these objectives. We explore opportunities to collaborate and, where feasible, establish partnerships with each other to achieve these shared interests. Our alliance means that we can cross-leverage resources from different institutions and countries in open source health research and development. 

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