Hervé Chneiweiss

- UNESCO International Bioethics Committee, Inserm Ethics Committee

Hervé Chneiweiss (MD-PhD) is a neurologist and neuroscientist, senior scientist at CNRS, he has been involved in neurogenetic research on diseases such as cerebellar ataxias and then the molecular mechanisms involved in glial plasticity and the development of brain tumours. Technical approaches include proteomics, metabolism, epigenetics, cell cultures, animal models, and single cell. He has published over 170 original scientific papers (h=53, i10 108). He is currently director of the Neuroscience Paris Seine – IBPS research centre (CNRS/Inserm/ Sorbonne University).

Hervé is also involved in bioethics, adviser for life sciences and bioethics to the Minister of Research and Technology (2000-02), a member of the Scientific Council of the French Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Techniques assessment (2003-16), a member of the French National Ethics Committee (2013-17), member and chairman of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (2014-21), member of the WHO committee on Human genome governance (2019-21), expert for OECD on neurotechnology (2015-19), and currently as chairman of the Inserm Ethics Committee. Former editor-in-chief of Medicine / Sciences (2006-16). He has published several books for the general public (latest: “Notre Cerveau”, L’Iconoclaste, 2019).