Dr David Brown is co-founder and Chair of the Board of Healx Ltd, a fast-growing Cambridge University spinout company which uses Machine Learning to find treatments for children with rare diseases. He was also co-founder of the antibody company Crescendo Biologics. He was listed in the Maserati 100 UK Innovators/ Entrepreneurs list for 2019.
Earlier in his career he pursued medical research in the pharmaceutical industry. Whilst at Pfizer he was named co-inventor on the patent for Viagra, and for 8 years he led the team developed Viagra through to proof of clinical efficacy for treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Relpax (migraine) and Revatio (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) also came from his team and together these drugs have sales of over $50bn. While at Roche in Switzerland, he was a Director of the company and, as Global Head of Drug Discovery, he had responsibility for productivity of over 2000 scientists at Roche’s five research sites in the USA, Europe and Asia.