Heleen van der Meer

Senior Programme Manager in International Drug Repurposing - ZonMw

As work package leader in the EU-funded project REMEDi4ALL Heleen is leading the creation of a global funders network and ‘think tank’ for repurposing. This aims to discuss policy issues, share best funding practices, co-ordinate (new) funding streams, promote joint calls and develop innovative co-funding models for drug repurposing, ultimately enhancing the repurposing ecosystem for researchers across Europe. Heleen is a pharmacist by training and holds a PhD in drug utilisation research in older people. She has worked as a pharmacotherapy advisor at the Dutch HTA organisation for a couple of years before she joined ZonMw in 2022. ZonMw programmes and funds research and innovation in health, healthcare and well-being, encourages the use of this knowledge and highlights knowledge needs.