Timothy Barrett is Leonard Parsons Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health in the Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences. He is an Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes and UK National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator. Timothy is also the Director of the Centre for Rare Disease Studies (CRDS) Birmingham, and a Research Director for the Central and South Genome Medicine Service Alliance.
Timothy has published over 200 research papers in scientific journals as well as reviews and book chapters in the fields of paediatrics, diabetes and genetics of childhood diabetes syndromes. He has received major grants from The UK Medical Research Council, UK National Institute for Health Research, European Union Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs, Diabetes UK and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. His research interests include functional genetics of rare diabetes syndromes, translational research to early phase clinical trials in rare disease, and complex interventions to reduce health inequalities in childhood diabetes.
He currently leads an international randomised controlled trial of a repurposed medicine to for Wolfram syndrome a rare form of neurodegeneration and diabetes, and is an enthusiastic teacher and communicator on the themes of genomics and rare diseases.