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The iconic building The Eye in central Amsterdam, welcomed the REMEDi4ALL Consortium last September for the project kick-off meeting.

During two full days, over 100 representatives had a unique opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, plan initial steps, establish interactions across various teams and pave the way for the journey ahead to make drug repurposing the new normal.

This was the first time the 24 REMEDi4ALL Consortium partners were meeting face to face. EATRIS, as project coordinator, hosted the first General Assembly Meeting, near their headquarters in The Netherlands. 

“We leave this meeting energised and inspired to work closely together in the development of innovative solutions to advance medicine repurposing” commented Anton Ussi, EATRIS Operations & Finance Director and REMEDi4ALL project lead, during the closing session. The project involves 24 organisations and has the potential to reduce the times and costs of drug development by focusing on already approved, discontinued, shelved or investigational therapeutics.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of the event.

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