Funding Calls Database

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24 Result(s)
Status: Closed for submission

Bridging the gap

Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseIn vitro/in vivo candidate validation
Disease area(s)Neuromuscular disorders
Type of applicantAcademic
Application deadline full proposal

March 26, 2024

Status: Grants announced


Type of projectAll
Disease area(s)Dermatology
Type of applicantAcademic
Application deadline full proposal

March 31, 2024

Status: Open for submission


Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseProof of concept
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicClinicalOtherPatient organisation
Application deadline full proposal

October 1, 2024

Status: Open for submission

Impacting Blood Cancers through Clinical Repurposing Trials

Type of projectClinical trial (early phase – dose, toxicity etc)Clinical trial (efficacy – Phase 2)Pilot studyProof of concept
Disease area(s)Oncology
Type of applicantAcademicClinicalCollaborative group
Application deadline full proposal

October 21, 2024

Status: Open for submission

CWR – Impacting US Veterans 2024

Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseProof of concept
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicClinical
Application deadline full proposal

To be decided

Status: Open for submission

NIHR 23/170

Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseOther data generation study (e.g. retrospective analysis, case series etc)Pilot study
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicSME/Company
Application deadline full proposal

To be decided

Status: Open for submission

NIHR 23/171

Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseOther data generation study (e.g. retrospective analysis, case series etc)Pilot study
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicSME/Company
Application deadline full proposal

To be decided

Status: Open for submission

NIHR 23/172

Type of projectClinical trial - any phaseOther data generation study (e.g. retrospective analysis, case series etc)Pilot study
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicSME/Company
Application deadline full proposal

To be decided

Status: Open for submission

CWR – ReGRoW for LMIC Researchers 2024

Type of projectClinical trial (early phase – dose, toxicity etc)Clinical trial (efficacy – Phase 2)OtherProof of concept
Disease area(s)All
Type of applicantAcademicClinical
Application deadline full proposal

To be decided